Lynchmere Parish Council are very pleased to present to you the newly restored St Michael's Hall now, after many years of closure, is ready to provide once again a space for the community to hire for meetings and events.
More info coming soon!
For one off bookings- children's parties/ events
For hirers with a recurring booking- minimum of x 4 dates to qualify for this rate.
A deposit may be required
You can arrange a viewing of the hall by sending a message via the contact form above. Alternatively send us a Whatsapp message. Please allow up to 2 working days for a response.
Using the availability calendar below click the + icon on your chosen day. If you already have a Hallmaster account you will be asked to log in. If you do not have an account you will be prompted to create one. Once you have done this you will be able to submit booking requests. It is not possible to create a booking less than 48 hours in advance. If you do want to book last minute, please send a message via the contact form we may still be able to accommodate you.
Find your booking on the calendar, click on the event and log in to hallmaster. You will then be able to submit a booking change request or cancellation request. This is only possible a minimum of 48 hours in advance.