Hello and thank you for visiting our website! The Maud Hardman Hoyle Memorial Hall (Hammer Hall) is a fantastic facility which is here to be used and enjoyed by all members of the local and wider communities
Maud Hardman Hoyle was a widow living in a grand house in Gillams Lane. She was from an affluent family (the Abbotts) and was actively involved in various local causes for the benefit of the community. In 1927 Maud gave the parish council five acres of land to be used as the parish burial ground.
One of the problems facing the parish was the lack of a purpose built venue big enough to facilitate plays, productions or children's group activities. Often, such activities would be squeezed into St. Michael's Hall which was much too small. Reverend Geoffrey Tibbs, parish vicar, actively began to campaign for a new hall to be built. In response to this, Admiral Grant, who owned a parcel of land adjacent to St. Michael's Hall, gifted the plot of land for the site of the new hall and a fund was then started to raise money for the construction. As part of the fund-raising effort, Reverend Tibbs would hold meetings with potential doners to discuss his plans for the hall. At the end of one of these meetings with Maud Hardman Hoyle, it is said that Maud exclaimed "Mr. Tibbs, I think you will get your hall". Sadly, Reverend Tibbs never saw her again, hearing a few days later that Maud had passed. After Maud's death, her family (the Abbotts), along with other donors, provided the funds required for the construction of the hall stating it was "in memory of Maud."
The hall was opened on Sunday, 29th October 1939, in the presence of 200 people. Mrs. Remfrey (elder sister of Maud) unveiled the memorial tablet. Reverend Tibbs held a service at the hall and told the story of how the hall came to be built, paying tribute to the generosity of Maud Hardman Hoyle during her life and Admiral and Mrs. Grant, who had gifted the land. The ceremony ended with a message of thanks from Maud's brother-in-law, Mr. Silver, to all the donors and he concluded by saying that he knew Maud's wish would be for the hall to be used freely and liberally to promote happiness and goodwill among the people of the parish.
Today, the hall has a wide range of clubs, films and events taking place every week throughout the year, along with the facility to hire the hall for your own celebrations and events. Click on the individual tags at the top of the page for detailed information and booking for all events.
The hall is a registered charity (No. 214190) and all profits raised by hall events go towards the maintenance and refurbishment of the hall at the discretion of the Trustees
Linchmere Road, Haslemere GU27 3QW